Monday, July 25, 2011

My Peeps Are Getting So Big.....

Henry turned 8 years old last week. I thought I would be sadder. Eight just seems like the start of the big kid years to me. I had a twinge here and there about having two "big kids" now, but overall I was pleasantly surprised to realize that I like having big kids. I didn't know how I would handle "middle-age childhood"....after all, I was a preschool teacher before I was a mom and so most of my experience with kids was with those still in diapers or Underoos.

But, here I am...mother of a 5 year old, an 8 year old and a 10 year old and I am finding that I really enjoy it. They are witty and smart. They follow the "don't wake mommy until the clock says 8" rule most of the time. The mostly follow directions.....mostly. But, overall, I think it is really fun to watch them as they start to become the people they are going to be. Maybe I would feel differently if I didn't have such great kids....if I didn't totally love the people they are becoming. But I do.

Ella is smart and funny and about the most helpful 10 year old on Earth.

Henry is hilarious and creative and finally realizing that there is a world out there that doesn't revolve around him.

And Charlotte....well, she's Charlotte....she is inquisitive and bold and the most compassionate animal lover I have ever encountered.

So, though I miss the new human bean stage of life....nursing, baby-wearing, adorable little clothes, etc, etc, etc......I am content and downright happy with the three children I have and thrilled with the older human beans they are becoming <3

Friday, June 3, 2011

Summer's Coming

My kids reminded me today that next week at this time school will be OVER for the year. Another year completed....I find it hard to believe. But instead of boo-hooing over where all the time has gone I am going to prepare for a summer of fun....swimming, parks, day trips and weekend trips too.....and, as we do every summer, we will wait to hear the happy tune of the ice cream truck coming through our neighborhood.